Domain Name Registration

What is a Domain Name
A well suited domain name will be the first stepping stone to success for any online business entity. We can help you to find a domain name that is apt for your business as per the availability. Internationally, Domain registration is done on a First-come-first-serve basis and the domain requested could go to some other party within the short period between the request for domain registration and the receipt of payment.
Website Domain names offer an easy and novel way to find and name a website, which are typically identifies with a string of numeric characters that make up the IP address of the site. Domain names can replace this complex numbering system which is not easy to remember these complex numbers. Each web domain name replaces a string of meaningless numbers (an IP address) with a simple word or expression. That’s the theory – in practice, domain name can be pretty obscure too.
Domain names were invented to fill a similar need on the Internet. Most computers connected to the Internet are identified by a unique number called an IP address (for instance, IP addresses are neither intuitive (they don’t correspond to a geographical location) nor easy to remember (you can prove that by glancing away from this page and then trying to quote the example IP address above!)
If you type the IP address into the URL bar of your browser you will be taken to the web site it relates to. As well as being hard to remember, however, IP addresses are also FIXED (i.e. if you change web hosting companies you’ll need to get a new IP address for your site)
Website Domain names Registration offer a more intuitive way to name and find a website. Each web domain name replaces a string of meaningless numbers (an IP address) with a simple word or expression. Thus domain name is a unique name that identifies an internet site and it should be selected with caution and care as it is nothing but setting up the online business address of your company!